Corporate Events Planner in Delhi

Corporate Events Planner in Delhi NCR

We create impact through action based marketing , influencing what people actually do, not simply what they think or say they’ll do.

To accomplish that , we’ve built an agency that offers true integrated marketing solutions that focus on the needs of brands, retailers, consumers and shoppers.

If you want to inspire preference for your brand by tapping what truly motivates your audience. Their Emotions, needs, wants, passions. The right messaging can help move ignorance to awareness; awareness to engagement; engagement experience to action; action to purchase. We at SL Entertainment believe that we can make this a reality.

Our Corporate Event services includes:

  • Brand / Product / Corporate Launches
  • Dealer / Trade / Retailers Meets
  • Customer / Dealer Interaction Programs
  • Promotions; Road shows; Canter Activities
  • Press Conferences
  • Outbound / Inbound Educational & Corporate Tours
  • Brand Extension Services
  • Merchandising & In shop promotions
  • Seminars; Conferences & Meetings
  • Staff Programs
  • Annual Day Celebrations
  • Exhibitions
  • Award Night
  • Success parties
  • Rental & Installation of Audio Video equipment
  • Team Building Activites
  • Get to Gether
  • Family day
  • Theme Parties
  • ATL & BTL Activites
  • Promotions Activites
  • Corporate workshop
  • Corporate Sports Tournaments
  • Business Dinners
  • High tea events
  • Trade shows
  • Showroom activites.

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